Out there with the stars – Capturing the Milky Way in Baħrija, Malta

Kewkba Ta’ Ferħ

X’dehra ta’ ġmiel
saħħret 'l għajnejja llum
hekk kif ħarist
lejn sema ċar
miżgħud bi kwiekeb żgħar u kbar.
Tkellmet ruħi ma’ ruħek
f’dil-ħemda tas-smewwiet;
xtaqitlek ferħ il-ġenna,
imħabba mseddqa b’ward u żahar
u ħajja msebbħa b’ilwien sbieħ
ġo qalb dejjem żagħżugħa
fejn l-hena jfawwar bla mistrieħ.

John Mallia
A majestic Milky Way arching over boulders at ‘il-Blata tal-Melħ’, Baħrija, Malta

Resting on a plane of a more resistant coralline limestone, it is easy to figure out that these boulders once formed part of the soft limestone cliff-face behind. I particularly like the fossilised debris trapped between these two layers, and the wavy rock surface, sculpted by the strong North West winds and rain over time. These are prominent features
that go all the way along this coastline.

The Baħrija coastline is one of our favourite escape places. Off the beaten track and hard to get to, here you can loose yourself in peace and quiet, broken only by the sound of the sea and song birds. Away from artificial light pollution, the Summer night sky here is just amazing!

A 542.8MP, wide-angle, multi-row panorama of 18 images in 3 rows.

Captured on the 18th of August, 2015.

Gilbert Vancell
Gilbert Vancell
