About Gilbert Vancell

“It is all about the subjects and scenery I photograph.
I do my best to give them justice by capturing them
when key natural elements help me out in revealing
their hidden magic. Making sure, not only to be there
at the right time to record the raw beauty that is
being unveiled, but also to post-process
the captured image to deliver my vision.”
I am a self-taught fine art photographer from Malta, with a solid background in graphic design and illustration. An essential visual art and communication tool, photography has been a passion since my teens. I read all the books and magazines I could lay my hands on while experimenting with my father's AE-1. I even remember setting up a darkroom in my parents bathroom to process black & white film and prints.
In 2009 I started hiking with some dear friends of mine which were volunteering in Malta. As a Maltese, you think you know it all, but I was amazed by the pristine coastline and valleys that I was discovering in my own country! You have to keep in mind that the Islands are just 316 square kilometers in total, most of which is developed and urbanised.
My passion for the outdoors, and my first DSLR made me rediscover photography. Since then, I have constantly been researching and learning different techniques, and fine-tuning my equipment for the ultimate results. Being out in the few wild spots that we have left in Malta is priceless for me. It gives me calm and fills me with happiness.
“Nature is perfection, nature is balance, and it gives my mind peace.”
I am fascinated by nature's ability to adapt, transform and heal itself over thousands of years. Its timelines are infinite, and I always feel humbled by this. Ecosystems are much better off without us around, as we are constantly abusing of this balance, sometimes without even knowing it.
With Landscape Astrophotography I am constantly learning about the night sky and it's heavenly bodies. The Cosmos is amazingly beautiful to say the least. I love seeing deep sky images by enthusiasts and professionals alike, with dots of light in the image turning out to be more Galaxies. It is endless! and I just marvel at its vastness.
I hope that with my photography I will make more people aware of the hidden natural treasures these Islands have, and helping in preserving our natural environment and our night sky for generations to come.